Japan: The good, the bad, the ugly and everything in between when it comes to being a foreigner in Tokyo.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Today, I stared down the blank sheets of paper sitting on my desk, waiting for one simple signature. The papers forced me to circle one of two options, and then scribble my signature deciding the fate of my time here in Nihon.

1. Yes, I would like to recontract for the 2006-2007 JET term.

2. No, I would not like to recontract for the 2006-2007 JET term.

Hmmmm.... faced with a challenging decision. So, which did I circle, you ask? Well, being that I'm still not fluent in Japanese, I figured I would need a little more time here to get the knack of things. When my contract ends this July I will be staying another full year. So, until then, get used to this blog, cause that might be all ya see of me for a while. Yup, I'm officially tied down to Tokyo until 2007.


Blogger suzan said...

Right on! Glad to hear that you're re-upping. I can only imagine that you'll have more adventures.

10:24 AM


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