Japan: The good, the bad, the ugly and everything in between when it comes to being a foreigner in Tokyo.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Looking Forward to...

There are a couple of things I am looking forward to about Spain. Let me introduce you to them...

This is Queralt.

And this is Enric.

But... there are certainly more than just two things I love about Spain:

* My Iaia's truita: a traditional Spanish dish- a potato, egg, and onion omelette.
* Horchata: a Spanish cinnamon milk. It's heaven.
* Reis: or Epiphany, when the kings came to give gifts to baby Jesus, so we also give gifts that day.
* Speaking Catala: my father's dialect from Barcelona. Quina il.lusio!
* Cups of good coffee in cafes in my town's center.
* Pa amb tomaquet: Bread with tomato and olive oil. Yum.
* Neules and torrons: the typical Christmas sweets.
* Barca: My home town soccer team. Maybe I can take in a game.
* Tapas: If you don't know what these are... you need to get on that. The best thing about dining out and having drinks.
* Quinto: The Spanish version of Bingo. We play games at home on Christmas Day.
* Cousins dinner: A yearly tradition of crepes and drinks with all the cousins.
* Alp: Trip to the mountains for skiing and games of cribbage.

Last, but certainly not least... time with family and friends. The sights and sounds that are familiar to me, the voices of people I love, the hugs and kisses from people who love me. For really... what are memories without people to share them with. I can't wait to reminisce about old memories and make new ones, too.


Blogger suzan said...

It sounds just wonderful! I wish I could go with you. Have fun with your family and eat lots. Miss you.


5:14 PM


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