Japan: The good, the bad, the ugly and everything in between when it comes to being a foreigner in Tokyo.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Mickey you're Bilingual?!?

So I visited Tokyo Disneyland two weekends ago and I realized that Mickey Mouse is bilingual. He's a MOUSE! Seriously, thank you Mickey, for making me feel even worse about my inability to learn Japanese. Now, I have to go to sleep with the knowledge that even a rodent can master this language. Sweet. Anyway, besides that depressing realization... Tokyo Disneyland was off the charts. Well, the standing in line was not so much cool, but the rest was awesome. I even realized a few things about Japanese women. They are altogether out of their minds sometimes.

Three things I found out:

1. Japanese women wear huge ridiculous furry Russian style hats at Disneyland. But they are shaped like mouse ears. The hats were not just your standard black mouse ears, no, these were take-over-your-whole-head large furry things in a whole range of colors. No thank you. A standard beanie will keep my head warm just fine, thank you.

2. Japanese women sometimes wear knee high boots and mini skirts to Disneyland- and let me remind you it is, in fact, winter on this island and there are no personal busses to shuttle the princesses from one ride to the next. Who in the world thinks that high heels are appropriate attire for a full day of walking?!? I don't care if it is the happiest place on earth, with achy feet not even "It's a Small World" can be enjoyable.

3. Japanese women shop in huge, astronomical proportions. I saw many a crazy Japanese woman lugging 5 or 6 bags full of the Disney booty they made out with. As though you can't find Winnie-the-Pooh paraphernalia in every shop in Japan. These women were buying like it was the only chance they might ever have to buy every man, woman, and child they know a gift. A few of these women had to stop walking to take breaks from carrying all their loot. Maybe Disneyland should start renting out pack mules.

Now... here's the kicker... a couple women I saw were committing all three of the above crimes simultaneously. How's that for crazy.

But... nonetheless, I had a great time with my sane, non-shopaholic, tennis shoe wearing friends. Here are Michiyo and Rebecca on the carousel, which is Rebecca's favorite ride. Michiyo is a friend from church and Rebecca, my neighbor. They are awesome girls.


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