Sinecure. This is the definition of my job. I was perusing the dictionary the other day (I know, I have too much free time and I'm a nerd!) and I came across this word. I think it aptly describes my position as an ALT on the JET program.
sinecure: sinikyoor
• (noun): a position requiring little or no work but providing a salary.
Hmmmm... sounds sneakily familiar, huh JETs?!? And the most shocking bit of all is that everyone involved in this operation recognizes how LITTLE work we do sometimes. It's like, my principal knows I am taking 30 "study leave" absences this summer. Does he REALLY think I am working?! No! Does he care?! No! Unreal. But I'll tell you what is real... when I head back to the States for "real" teaching I'm gonna be so lazy I don't know that my body will withstand an 8 hour working day. How pathetic. At times I feel productive and kids are learning and it's great, and then other days it just feels like one long time-killing session, waiting for the bell to ring to send me home.
Yup, my job is a sinecure. All you lazy, under-achieving, don't-know-what-else-to-do-with-your-life people, feel free to apply.
Hey kiddo! Thanks for the comment on the blog. Seattle was awesome, best weather I`ve ever seen there. And of course, seeing the family and friends was also great. BTW, I`ve got some omiyage for ya that you might be interested in! :)
On a different note . . . I`m headed to Niigata beach this weekend and probably Kyoto for the 3-day . . . BUT, we`re having a sweet matsuri in my town on the 22nd that you should come up for!
Other than that, I`ll be in your neck of the woods from about the 31st til the 9th. Hopefully we can get together. When are you heading out for your trip?
6:49 PM
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